Scheme documents
This page gives some general information about the Inchcape Motors Pension Scheme
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Headlight newsletter 2024
The 2024 newsletter covers Scheme activity since April 2023.
Retirement guide –
Normand section
This guide is designed to help you understand your retirement options from the Inchcape Motors Pension Scheme. This reflects the options currently available at retirement.
Retirement guide –
Motors & Group sections
This guide is designed to help you understand your retirement options from the Inchcape Motors Pension Scheme. This reflects the options currently available at retirement.
Headlight newsletter 2023
The 2023 newsletter covers Scheme activity over the year.
Headlight newsletter 2022
The 2022 newsletter covers Scheme activity over the year to April 2022.
Statement of investment principles
Group section
The SIP sets out the Trusteeโs investment strategy and objectives.
Statement of investment principles
Combined section
The SIP sets out the Trusteeโs investment strategy and objectives.
Implementation statement
This sets out the Trusteeโs implementation of the investment policies set out in the SIP over the year.
Privacy notice
In accordance with the Trusteeโs legal obligations under the Data Protection Act 2018, We are required to provide members with some information about the data we hold and what we intend to do with it